Thrifting, Cooking and Slow Living
Join me today for a bit of thrifting, cooking, and slow-living inspiration. We are headed out to a thrift shop and then back home to make lunch together while I discuss with you some slow-living thoughts. I hope you enjoy today’s video and post.
Enjoy The Video Version
This week we are on spring break and I have been trying to find little fun activities to do away from home. It is a rainy spring day here and we have come to a favorite antique shop that we both enjoy. I am happy to break away from the work load and spend some time doing things out of the ordinary.
Living a slower-paced lifestyle has made even a little venture like a trip out to an antique shop feel special. I look around at all the trinkets while my daughter likes to pick a few items from the jewelry section to add to her collection.
When purchasing anything for our home, I am much more careful about what I bring in. I don’t want things cluttering up our homes or purchasing stuff without a purpose. I tend to head to antique and thrift shops when I am wanting something, and favor buying used instead of new, and have found a greater appreciation for items in general.
Todays haul its a farmhouse dish cloth, a few dishes and this hobnail throw for my chair. All useful items for us.
On The Menu
It is lunch time and I have decided to make shrimp tacos. I have been trying to teach my daughter to cook more and have asked her to join me in the kitchen.
For us regular days consist of three meals shared together. It is a lot of dishes and preparation each day.
But the ordinary act of meal time is an important aspect of our day.
I find it worth while to set the table each time to put away my phone and be present.
We live in a time where we are constantly jumping from one thing to the next and I have to remind myself that the world can wait. That it is ok to turn my phone off for these times.
A simple lunch made, standing here teaching her what I know. Hoping she will remember what I taught her. But knowing that really doesn’t matter. It is the time spent and the intention behind the lesson that bares meaning.
“The best portion of your life will be the small, nameless moments you spend smiling with someone who matters to you.”
― Ritu Ghatourey
The truth of the matter is, you can live a life of extravagance, and travel all over the world but nothing will make you feel the way giving your love to someone else does. And what more valuable thing do we have to offer than our time and attention to anyone or to anything?
As always thank you so much for joining me today.
I hope you have enjoyed your time here.
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