How To Create a Homemaking Routine

Learn How To Create a Homemaking Routine, over a set schedule so that you can have more flexibility and less stress in your homemaking day.

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Summer is coming quickly and school is just about out for us. One would think I had extra time on my hands. But with so many things to do both inside and out, there is not much to spare. One thing I have learned over the years is that in order for me to keep up with the housework and manage everything else life requires; I need some form of a daily ritual surrounding these jobs. Something that would keep things in order and ensure the house was maintained throughout each day.

I am not one for rigid schedules although in the past, I have tried to keep one. I would write out what I needed to be doing hour by hour but when life would get in the way all I was left with at the end of the day was a list of things I couldn’t get to. A very defeating feeling and a great way to add unnecessary stress to my day. When you start to understand yourself and how you function best you can work in a way that suits your personality.

For my personality, this would mean structuring my day with a routine over a set schedule. If I could have realized this about myself sooner, oh the frustration I would have avoided. But hindsight can be our greatest teacher.

For a long time, I hadn’t understood the concept of a routine over a schedule. To me, they were the same thing. Furthermore, you might be wondering what the difference is yourself. So let’s explore…

The Difference Between a Schedule and a Routine

Though subtle these two things are very different and depending on your personality one might appeal to you more than the other. A schedule is a well-thought-out plan for the day. Usually planning hour by hour or even less in some cases, the duties for the day. When you run by a schedule you normally have a set time you wake up, make breakfast, and so on. It’s allocating specific times for each job so that the schedule is accurately planned.

You know precisely what is happening each moment of the day. In short, there are no surprises. The day is completely planned, written down in advance and you adhere to this list to know what is next. Now, this is wonderful for those of you who are super organized, enjoy knowing what your day entails, and are hyper-focused on productivity.

This isn’t to say that opting for a routine isn’t productive as I find it is ultimately the most productive I have ever been in my homemaking. This is more about finding a system that suits your personality so that you can be the homemaker you desire.


Routines on the other hand are more leisurely. They don’t have set times and usually, your routine is in your head. That is after it has been well established as your daily routine and thus becomes a daily habit. So if you are new to a routine, I would highly recommend writing it down so that you can follow it until you have it down.

Homemaking routines are daily and even weekly habits that are created out of the needs in your home. They allow you to customize them just as you would your schedule to meet the needs of your household. Once you establish a good routine it can be a homemaker’s best friend as it is through a routine that I have found a productive flow.

a meal on a table

Opting for a Routine

I struggled my way through the whole schedule thing in my younger days. Taking notes from other bloggers and moms out there who insisted that having a schedule was the only way to go. I felt inadequate, overwhelmed, and not as present as I liked to be with my daughter.

If you are someone who gets a headache just reading about what a schedule entails, perhaps a routine is in order.

When it comes to my day, I have a general idea of what my morning should warrant. Most of which is in my head. It looks something like this.

I go about the house with my coffee, getting things handled, beds made, and the Roomba moving about the house. All before starting breakfast. I know breakfast needs to be made and it will be, it just won’t be at the exact same time every single morning. This is a flow that works perfectly for my family and one I can stick to without feeling completely overwhelmed. All while getting the important thing done.

My Daily Routine

  • Part of my homemaking routine is to tidy up the house every afternoon just before dinner. I fix the couch cushions, toss away any trash, and put back anything left out. This allows the main parts of the house to be in order every day.
  • Once a week it is part of my routine to deep clean the bathroom and to pick it up daily. Folding towels, wiping down the countertop, and sweeping if needed.
  • A couple of times a week, I like swapping out the dining room tablecloth and putting out a fresh vase of flowers. For whatever reason this makes the house feel fresh and inviting.
  • Another big part of my daily routine is to clean the kitchen throughout each day instead allowing the messes to pile up. Cleaning little bits throughout the day or directly after meals is a lot easier than cleaning a sink load of dishes when all you want is to end your day.
  • Putting my kitchen to bed each evening. This means I clean it one final time after dinner and the kitchen is then off-limits. No more cooking, snacks, or meals to be had. This not only avoids eating late into the evening (not a good habit) it always saves me from waking up to a sink full of dishes.
  • Mealtimes, especially dinners are included in my routine. I start dinner around the same time each evening. Usually right after my afternoon tidying.

Some, all, or none of these might work for you. But what I have noticed about establishing this routine is pretty startling.

Benefits Of Having A Routine

Since developing these systems, or my homemaking routine, my house is much simpler to maintain. Here are some of the major things I have noticed since incorporating a homemaking routine:

  • It allows me to touch each part of the home daily ensuring that it is picked up regularly and nothing is piling up or becoming too cluttered.
  • The routine has by far made me a better homemaker as I now am able to keep on top of the household chores and incorporate them into my day instead of making them the major part of my day.
  • Ultimately a good homemaking routine is all about creating great habits that help you get through your duties with ease instead of frustration.
  • The main parts of my home are tidy throughout the day so if anyone drops by there’s no mad dash to clean up.
  • I feel less stressed and can be more present with my daughter.

Getting Started

  • Write down all that needs doing, laundry, cooking, vacuuming, etc.
  • Make a list of your problem areas and make sure to incorporate them into your routine as a top priority to get a handle on them.
  • Transfer your routine into a planner, or even a piece of paper, where it is written down. You can look at it to keep on track until you get the hang of it.
  • Opt to either pick select days to tackle larger (deep cleaning) jobs. Have a daily to-do list that touches every aspect of your home.
  • Come up with timeframes for meals. You don’t have to have set meal times. But it’s a good idea to know about when you’d like to serve them. This will allow you to plan your routine around them.
  • Don’t be afraid to change up your routine or adjust until it works.

Ideas To Incorporate Into A Homemaking Routine

  • Clean dishes directly after meals or continuously, don’t allow them to pile up (deep clean once a week)
  • Straighten up the bathroom after getting ready each morning (deep clean once a week)
  • Put the kitchen to bed each night (don’t allow more cooking or snacking after a certain point)
  • Tidy up the main areas of the home every afternoon
  • Replace or freshen up the dining room with a new tablecloth and flowers if possible
  • Make your bed each morning
  • Start meals around the same time every day
  • Hang a calendar and write your routine down so you can see it daily until you can memorize it
  • Plan for deep cleaning days each week as part of your new routine
  • Involve your kids if possible. Set a timer for 15 minutes. Then go room to room to pick up things out of place and straighten up the house. Or have your kids sort the laundry
a cleaned kitchen

Final Thoughts

Having a homemaking routine is one of the best things I have incorporated into my day. It all started with simply understanding that I was not the schedule type. Something that should hold no shame to accept. So don’t be scared to toss that schedule if it isn’t working for you. We are all made differently and that is a beautiful thing.

So ask yourself, are you one who enjoys being super scheduled or are you one to like a flow of work?

If you are a routine sort of woman, grab a piece of paper and get your routine underway! Try some of my daily habits out and don’t worry if you don’t get it right straight away. You can switch it up anytime you like until you get it right.

I hope you find these tips helpful in creating a routine that suits your personality and household needs.

Happy Homemaking!

For homemaking inspiration be sure to visit the homemaking tab. There you will find tips, ideas, and all sorts of inspiration for your home.

Have you caught the latest homemaking video on YouTube? How To Be A Fulfilled Homemaker is packed with tips to help you stay motivated and inspired as you go about your day.

Homemaking 101 Back to Basics Workbook Ebook!

Dive into the basics of homemaking with a simple-to-understand pillar system featuring over 20 pages of personal touches, advice, tips, and printable worksheets to help you become the homemaker you dream of being.

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