Keeping a Home | Homemake with Me
Keeping a Home takes daily effort and today I am bringing you along for some rainy day homemaking.
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The Day Begins
It is a gloomy day filled with tons of rain. That means I am stuck inside at least for a little while. And though it is the middle of winter all I want to do is freshen up the house. Spring cleaning style. Is there such a thing as winter cleaning? I do feel our spaces need freshening up multiple times a year. But that is another post entirely.
Todays Tasks
I thought today I would bring you along with me for a bit of homemaking inspiration. It is a day in my life as a homemaker. On the top of the task list, I am cleaning beds. And of course, that means lots of washing. I love to iron our sheets as well when I have time. I know, who has the time for that? Honestly, I don’t find I do very often. But with the weather so dreary I found I had it today.
Which is not a bad thing. The feeling of laying on freshly ironed sheets is luxurious. Standing at my little ironing station and listening to the rain come down outside is enjoyable. It is that cozy feeling we love so much within our homes. I suppose it is the very reason we work so hard within them. To continually create this feeling.
I am also in need of tidying up the living room and showing my beautiful “new” couch that I recently slipcovered. Which you might have seen in my last post. If you didn’t happen to catch it I will link it here No Sew Drop Cloth Slipcover. It made a huge impact on our living room and I am so glad I decided to do it. To my surprise, it is not too much to maintain as far as re-tucking. The fabric has held up nicely.
Picking up the living is something I find that needs doing several times a day as it is the main living area of most homes. That means arranging the pillows and fixing the throws on the couch. Tossing away any trash that might be found and place any cups or mugs in the sink. I find I can get mine all back together within 5 minutes or so. The most surprising part might just be the impact it makes for so little work.
Tea Time
In between all the work I managed to find time to sit with my daughter and read some of our books. This is my normal tea time where I like to take a break, put on some tea. I normally will listen to a podcast or read through one of my latest library finds. But we are currently reading Frankenstein by Mary Shelley together.
Something I quite enjoy doing with my daughter. I read aloud and we snuggle up together. Some might not agree, but I believe that part of homemaking includes these moments. The ones where we can sit with a cup of tea and enjoy a book with our children or do a small fun project just because. These are the things that keep me going. To keep a home that we can enjoy life in.
Ending the Day
The laundry took far too long but by ironing the sheets somehow I knew that might happen. I will tell you, at the end of the day. Climbing into a crisp clean bed, it was completely worth it.
Thank you for coming along with me today as I continue Keeping the Home. I hope you enjoyed your time here. For more homemaking inspiration be sure to visit the homemaking tab.
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