
Encouragement For Single Moms

Encouragement for Single Moms, a topic chosen for episode 3 of Coffee and Conversation. Speaking from my own experience, providing wisdom and encouragement for those that struggle with being a single parent or just became single parents.

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In the course of creating content online and sharing bits of my life with the world. It has become apparent that many of my readers and YouTube audience might benefit from me sharing a bit more. When I started the series “Coffee and Conversation.” The idea was to have a chat-style video to help answer some of the questions I received from you. Today, I have decided to pick a topic that has been brought up many times in comments, and emails.

Today’s video and post are “Advice and Encouragement for Single Moms.” I hope my words today, are what you need to hear. That they help you find a fresh perspective on your journey as a single parent. I would be lying if I said, this topic didn’t make me a little nervous.

People can tend to be so angry on the internet but honestly, if we want to have real conversations. We must be honest. We must say things that hit nerves. Otherwise, we get stuck in those places where we can’t move on or see the light at the end of the tunnel so to speak.

Single Parenting

I am a single parent. So I speak from experience. To know me is to know that I speak candidly about my life as a single parent.

Well, I speak this way in general but you get the point. I have been a single parent now for just about 8 years. If you missed the very first Coffee and Conversation episode, where I shared my story. You can check it out here if you are interested in knowing more.

I have dedicated my life to raising my daughter and caring for our home. My career is second to this. For me, my true career is that of a mother and a homemaker. It is my life’s work. I want to encourage other women whether divorced, widowed or what have you.

To understand that we have the capability of being those same wonderful mothers and homemakers for our children as we always have been. Being single does not imply that we are lacking anything within our homes or certainly not within our lives. That is possible to live alone with our children and be completely content. We are enough on our own to provide those things.


It is a decision to accept being a single parent and make peace with it.

It is a decision to choose to rise up and care for our children just the same. To be that woman that can rise up and lead her family. To build a home that is filled with love, support, and a tight family unit with just ourselves at the head.


If you are struggling with accepting your position as a single mom in your life. Whether you have been one for a while now or are a brand new one. Please take a moment to listen and know that what I have to say speaks from my heart. From personal experience. That I want you to know that you have my support. I am rooting for you and your children.

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