Welcome to Our Homestead | City Farmhouse
Welcome to Our Homestead, City Farmhouse. Join me as I share our homestead lifestyle and encourage you to begin your homestead right where you are at. I hope you enjoy todays video and post.
Hello and welcome back to a quaint life.
Today I want to share our homestead, city farmhouse with you. I often refer to our home as a city farmhouse. You see the idea of a farmhouse lifestyle appealed to me a few years back. When I started learning more, I realized just how many people were doing this whole “homesteading” thing in all sorts of places. I decided to start homesteading right here. It has allowed me to create that farmhouse lifestyle without having the farm.
So I wanted to talk about the idea of blooming where you are at instead of waiting. We might never have an actual farm but it really doesn’t matter. Because we already have the lifestyle. Which is what I was after. There is so much you can learn right where you are at. In this city farmhouse kitchen I have learned how to bake bread, make jam, can food, pack tomatoes in oil, use a sourdough starter, and cook everything from scratch. Theres actually so much more I could add to that list. But that just gives you an idea.
One day I have a strong feeling we will live on an actual farm. Complete with a milking cow. But for now we live here on a property we love and one that has become an amazing classroom itself.
Here on our little homestead that is just under 1/3 of an acre we keep chickens and rabbits.
The chickens we keep for eggs of course and the rabbits are not meat rabbits if you are wondering. Although they are certainly an excellent meat source and one that is great for any homestead. We keep them for our garden as their droppings are excellent fertilizer.
You can directly dump it into the beds and you don’t need to age it at all. Two rabbits creates a lot of fertilizer for our garden. They spend half their day in their cage so I can collect the droppings. The other half of the day, we have a play yard to allow them to play and get exercise. It is not necessary but we love them and we want them to be happy.
In total we have 9 raised beds and my goal isn’t to be self sufficient, it is more of a way to eat seasonally and supplement what we have on hand. We live in California so we can pretty much grow all year long if we wanted to. But my main focus is always the spring and summer garden.
I had a simple dream of being able to pop outside, cut fresh veggies and herbs from the garden for meals. To have gatherings and allow others to have that beautiful farm to table experience.
Today I have carrots to harvest and then after this small bed will be planted with some potatoes from the kitchen that I let sprout. I grow all of my potatoes this way.
I let the eyes develop and then cut them into pieces. Each eye will be a potato plant. So essentially each potato can be several plants. When you plant potatoes this way you want to make sure the eye of the potato is facing upwards so I try to cut the bottoms flat so they will lay flat with the eye facing up. I plant them in rows a few inches apart to allow them space to grow.
This isn’t the prettiest batch of carrots but they will be good for dinner. I use our outdoor dining table to process everything for now. I removed the large stems and fed the scraps to the animals. The rest will end up in our compost. So nothing is ever wasted.
I think a big part of homesteading is being resourceful and using what you have already.
One day I’d like a large wooden harvest table but for now our outdoor dining table works fine.
What was once a dream is now normal life. We grow things for our table seasonally, gather eggs from our chickens daily, make jam in the summers and enjoy a simple farmhouse lifestyle on a 1/3 acre property in town. No matter what size home you live in or how far you are from where you want to be. There is always something you can learn by embracing this lifestyle where ever you are now. I would encourage you to allow your current circumstances to serve as a classroom and not as a waiting room.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you enjoyed todays video and post on our homestead, city farmhouse.
For more homesteading articles be sure to check out the homesteading section under the In the Garden tab. As well as the Simple Farmhouse Life section for all sorts of farmhouse life inspiration.
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