
Slow, Simple Homemaking | The End To a Season

Sharing some simple homemaking inspiration as we end the season and anticipate the next. What does simple homemaking look like? Well, many things but today it’s in the form of baking bread, gathering the last of the summer crops, and sharing in the beauty of everyday moments in this slow, simple life as a homemaker.

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The end of the summer season is just about here. My garden is ready to be shut down for fall so this week I headed up the road to my parent’s farm. Hidden in their orchards is a huge patch of beautiful cherry tomatoes planted several years prior. Incredibly they come back each year without much help from us. Who am I to waste such a gift? Certainly not a tomato waster, that’s who!

After stripping most of the plants clean, I found myself steps away in a small orchard planted just last year. Trees that are somehow already producing considerable amounts of fruit and with room in my basket, I stingily plucked away at what was left of the nectarines. The large bodies of bright yellow and red, weighted down the basket as I hauled it to the car. Glad the bottom held up to the weight as I placed it down on the hot seat.

Back at Home

You know those times when you mean to do a simple project only you put it off and then completely forget about it? Well, in case you don’t, this is what it looks like. Several months back we took a trip to the Getty Center Museum in Los Angeles and after we walked the enormous multi-floor gallery, we decided to grab a few momentos to remember our trip.

I happened across a great book of postcard prints that were duplicates of the many paintings we saw that day. I grabbed them thinking it would be a great way to remember our trip and a fun gallery wall idea. Once home, I placed them on a shelf and that is where they sat all summer long. My eyes would fall on them each time I passed and I’d mutter something to the effect of “Oh, I need to find some frames.” Without any intention of actually doing it.

Finally, FINALLY, nearing the end of summer, I pulled the trigger on these very affordable frames and got to work. After balancing and rearranging the prints several times over, the wall was finally done. And I was yet again reminded of the satisfaction of completing a project over procrastination.

a gallery wall hung in a home

In The Kitchen

Later, I decided to use some of the tomatoes for focaccia bread, a simple versatile bread filled with olive oil and herbs. While standing in the kitchen folding over the shaggy ball of dough and carefully placing those same tomatoes plucked just hours before. I was struck by the beauty in it all.

focaccia bread on a baking sheet

The time allotted to me to do this, the sunshine peaking in through the kitchen window and the access to fresh food.

There is such beauty in ordinary things. Many things we take for granted. Not for the sake of carelessness but more so for their common qualities. Often I stand here working in silence and feel the incredible power of that beauty in our everyday lives. The feeling of simple dough in my hands, and the ability to create something from almost nothing.

Surely the act of cooking or baking is an expression of love in the home. It certainly is in mine. I wish my words could do justice to that beauty but how can they? It is expressed in moments, and taken in by those who have eyes to see it.

My hope for you is that you too have eyes to see the beauty within your four walls. In the life that happens there and the many blessings we count on each day especially those that come in ordinary form.

For now the best I could do is to say, let us eat, drink, and be merry in as many of these days as time allows.

Cheers to the last days of summer!

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Baking Sheets

Olive Oil Dispenser

Marble Dough Board

12 Gold Frames (4 x 6)

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