
Calm Spring Day On The Homestead

Join me for a Calm Spring Day On The Homestead where we got outdoor chores, new additions to share, and Mushroom Risotto to make.

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Spring here is well underway. The days are filled with sunshine and the lavender is putting on a show with its bright purple buds and feathery green foliage. At some point, the harvest will need to be shared but for now, the bees can have at it. There are so many things to do come spring it is easy to get behind.

New Additions

Over the last several years I have kept a flock of about 6-7 chickens placed in the back of our property. This has made for wonderfully fresh eggs and a farm feeling that I love. For me, it is worth the real estate needed to provide for their run. Sadly, some have passed on through old age.

a woman holding a baby chick on a homestead

With just three adult chickens left, and slowed egg production. I felt it was time to refresh our little flock. We have Cora and Sylvia, and here I am holding Little Jerry Seinfeld Jr.

These sweet little tiny creatures are growing at a rapid rate. Before long they will be joining my older girls in their new home and providing us with beautiful blue eggs.

One tip I would like to give any of you who may be wanting to raise a small flock of your own but don’t want to go the route of heat lamps for fear of fire. I have a hack for you on keeping your birdies warm without a heat lamp.

I keep our baby birds inside our home in a galvanized tub with straw at the bottom for cushion. Inside I stack a hot water bottle along with two plastic water bottles that I fill with extra hot water. I place those bottles of extra hot water into tube socks to insulate them. Then I stack the bottles parallel and lay the hot water bottle over them.

baby chickens in a tub with a hot water botte

This creates a place they can tuck away under and keep themselves warm. I replace the hot water in the containers every 4-5 hours to ensure there is a consistent heat source. This has worked well for me while keeping baby ducks, geese, and now chickens inside the house.


Like most things, the animal pins need to be cleaned pretty frequently. After changing out the baby chickens’ bedding, I head out back to clean out the adult animals’ bedding. I am so glad for the good weather as it makes cleaning them much simpler. It is just a matter of scooping away the old and replacing it with fresh straw. The animals seem happier when it’s done or perhaps I just imagine so.

Living here there is never a shortage of things to do and each day I find myself with a wide array of things to tackle.

I think that what I love most about this homestead type of lifestyle. There is certainly never a dull moment and there is such a beautiful balance and purpose to everything that you do around a homestead. We take care of the animals and they take care of us in return through eggs and fertilizer for the garden. That not only feeds us but they benefit from it just the same. By living this way, I see the harmony that God intended for us and it really is profound to witness and be a part of.

It’s just about time to start dinner and before I get started in the kitchen, I am going to freshen up the space by swapping out my tablecloth. I found this gorgeous woven tablecloth and thought it was perfect for spring. I love it so much I ordered another one.

a dining room table with cloth

On The Menu

Now that the table is set, and outdoor chores are done, it’s time to cook. I think any homesteader would tell you that cooking is high on the list of priorities. Not just any cooking, but cooking from scratch. Not only is this a money-saving way of doing things but the result is always higher quality food. Allow me to share some of the very best vintage skills in the kitchen that I have learned along the way.

One of the first things to consider when cooking, in my opinion, is the quality of the ingredients. I got these fresh artichokes and eggs from my parent’s farm and tonight I thought I would make something special for dinner.

eggs, artichokes and mushrooms on a counter

We will be having mushroom risotto and artichokes with homemade aioli.

Making an aioli is easy, it’s fresh lemon, an egg yolk or two, or in this case, three, and some olive oil whisked in. A few dashes of salt and in my case some crushed garlic to add flavor.

and when I say whisking, I mean a lot of whisking.

For the risotto, I am using regular button mushrooms, some thyme, salt, and pepper. I have some turkey stock going and will be using the broth from it to slowly add to the rice to be absorbed little by little. I find that using fresh stock makes for the best risotto. If you would like to learn how to make some rather affordably from vegetable scraps or from leftover bones like I am using today.

I finish it off with some grated parmesan and a pad of butter.

a dinner on a table

Dinner is ready and the table is set. It has been a productive spring day at the homestead and I am so glad to have you along.

Until next time,

Interested in living more of a homestead sort of lifestyle? Be sure to visit the Homesteading Tab there you will recipes, useful things to learn, along with all sorts of homestead inspiration.

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