Summer Homemaking | Chamomile and Outdoor Spaces
Summer Homemaking Chamomile and Outdoor Spaces. Join me as I bring you along while we harvest our first batch of chamomile and clean up the outdoor spaces for the upcoming summer season.
So begins the first of the summer bounty. Our first batch of chamomile is ready to harvest. The flowers are so fragrant and stay that way even after dried. I love making hot tea or cold brew tea with them. But I have even used it as a baking herb. It’s lovely to add to a french toast batter.
Harvesting is simple. We just pluck the flower heads right off and allow them to dry at room temperature for a few days and when dried out. At that point, they are ready for use. I am just gonna pluck out any stems we might have missed.
With the summer coming so quickly, I have been working on our outside spaces. This rose bush is overgrown and needs to be trimmed down. So that is what I am going to be doing today is getting this trimmed down and so overgrown and needs to be trimmed down. We spend a lot of time at home so it’s important for me to utilize every bit of our property.
It feels so good to get all the bits swept up and things cleaned. I have been meaning to do this for a while now; so I am so glad I made time today to do it. I have to say it feels a little crazy to think that summer is just about here already. Lately, I have been trying my best to enjoy each season individually. Summer is not a favorite for me normally with the heat we get.
But with this new awareness of living seasonally, has allowed me to find things to look forward to despite the sweltering days ahead.
See stars in the changing season and dance among them, shining.
Mary Anne Radmacher
After cleaning up I decided our flower beds could use some new additions. This little garden center is pretty close to our house and we come here often. I grabbed some more red zinnias because I can never have too many and some more mint for the herb box.
These boxes sit right outside my kitchen so I mainly use them for herbs and flowers. It’s nice to be able to pop out and just grab a few things whether that is herbs for dinner or some flowers for a vase.
We like eating outside to sort of switch things up so on our patio outside our kitchen we have an outdoor table. With it being outside it is something I have to continuously work at to keep clean. Throughout the summer I like to add a cloth to the table and a vase of whatever I have growing in the garden so that it looks inviting.
As you probably know there is always an abundance of lavender around here to grab for our table. So that is what I am going to be using today for my little simple arrangement.
Our chamomile is all dried and ready for use. It still smells amazing too. I am going to make us our first pitcher of chamomile tea of the season.
I will leave a link below for harvesting and brewing chamomile if you’d like to check it out.
Thank you so much for joining me today. I hope you have enjoyed today’s Summer Homemaking video. Have a great week ahead and I will see you in the next one.
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Links Mentioned in Summer Homemaking Video
How to Harvest and Brew Chamomile
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