Limoncello and Farm Chores
Come along for a slow living day of Limoncello and Farm Chores.
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Starting in the Kitchen
Today is a warm day and the garden is going crazy. I have all sorts of little chores I need to do around the property. But first, let’s make some limoncello.

With summer just around the corner, I thought it would be a good time to make a batch to keep in the freezer for when friends visit. It is a simple process to make and a fun one to have on hand for summer.
Outside Chores
As beautiful as summer is, it is my least favorite time of year just because it just gets so hot here and at times I don’t even want to go outside. But as I get older, I have been finding enjoyable things about this season that we can look forward to, like making limoncello, so that it’s not a dreaded time of year. And that has helped.
I am back at the lavender again.

This is something I have to do pretty frequently to keep my plants healthy. I sell bundles from time to time and have some orders to fill. The bees are crazy for lavender so it is best to harvest in the early morning or late evening but I don’t mind the honey bees. I find they just work around me.
After I harvest the lavender, I make them into bundles with some jute twine. I do about 30 lavender stems for each bundle.

I love doing this kind of work. Just being outside in the shade and listening to the birds. It’s so peaceful. Now if I am not selling bundles, I usually hang my lavender in the house or give it away as gifts.
The garden always needs weeding and this morning I did a bit but now the day has gotten too hot to get it all done. So I will leave that for tomorrow morning when it’s much cooler to deal with.
The chickens need some padding in their nesting box so I am going to add some in now while the box is empty. I like to use straw in the boxes cause I feel like it’s easier to clean than shavings.

Our orange tree is still pretty loaded with oranges and even has new oranges starting to form. So I need to get the rest off the tree to make room for new growth. I have too many to eat on our own so I am going to take some to my mom and a few friends.

And finally, now to try out our first batch of limoncello of the season. A burst of cold lemon with a kick.

I hope you enjoyed today’s Limoncello and Farm Chores video and post. Thank you so much for coming along.

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