
Peaceful Homemaking Inspiration [Why it Matters]

Sharing some Peaceful Homemaking Inspiration and discussing why it matters for our well-being in this chaotic world.

Just when we thought the craziness of 2020 had died down, something new seemed to follow. This world of tic tock information, google knowledge, and disturbing movements that are hard to ignore cause we are constantly bombarded with them. Let’s face it; you can’t turn the tv on anymore without hearing some form of argument or a group of people standing against something.

One thing is certain, the world’s problems will always be there. We might think that it has something to do with the times, but surely our grandparents had their fair share of political and economic worries. We might, however, be a bit more inundated with it by way of our phones or argumentative relatives who state opinions as facts. Nevertheless, the same still rings true. We need to find and create peace in our lives, and to do this, we need to be intentional about it.

You might wonder how this has anything to do with homemaking. Better yet, what does an ordinary homemaker have to say about such things? Well, for starters, the creation of a home is fundamental to our well-being. A home is not just some place to hold our belongings or stop between outings. After all, a home ought to be more than just these things. I am after a real home. One that is filled with love, a pleasing atmosphere, and one that provides us with a sense of safety.

Why Homemaking Matters

You see, homemaking is likely one of the most undervalued elements in our daily lives that can instantly improve our experience. Living well begins at home. I find whenever the world gets too loud, I revert back to homemaking. Focusing on our home by creating a lovely meal and ensuring our spaces are tidy creates a sense of calm that is hard to put into words. I believe this might have something to do with our need to feel safe, nurtured, and rooted in what matters.

I am feeling a little compelled to speak of the value our homes create for us. In times that seem to be ever-changing and not for the better, what our homes can provide for us is extraordinary. I encourage you to turn off those worrisome images and dive into your home. To look around you and see those blessings within your space. Moreover, focus on everyday things that matter to you and your family.

What can be made cozy, lovely, and pleasing for the people within your four walls? Perhaps a meal or clean sheets on everyone’s beds will do the trick.

It may be that you are looking for some peaceful homemaking inspiration. As it happens, I would like to invite you along with me as I go about my simple summer homemaking. Sharing with you a day of peaceful homemaking inspiration that surely can help us keep calm in a chaotic world. You can find the video version below or enjoy the written version to follow along with.

Enjoy The Video Version

Beginning My Morning

It’s going to be another warm summer day here on our little California homestead. Like most days, I am home working on some everyday things. They might seem boring and mundane to others. But I love to just be here working on our lives in some capacity.

First, let’s make some coffee. I found these beautiful, heavy French coffee cups and saucers on a recent trip to one of my favorite little antique shops. A sweet way to enjoy a morning cup of coffee.

a pretty white coffee cup and saucer

It’s early still and while I wait on the washer, I will be making breakfast. Sourdough waffles are simple to make straight from my starter. I use the starter as a base for the waffles, which makes them easy to whip up pretty quickly.

I love these relaxed summer mornings when I have the time to make something more time-consuming and we can sit just a little while longer at the breakfast table. Windows opened and the sizzle of the waffle maker creates an experience all itself. I plate the warm waffles and set the table while brewing my second cup of coffee. It is a perfect start to my morning.

Finding Comfort In Ordinary Things

These little seemingly uneventful days where I get to focus on our home are my favorite. There is something almost therapeutic about taking care of our spaces and creating a good home life for our children. And by the way, whether you have children living with you or not, it is good for us too.

Living a life that feels wholesome and peaceful. Doing ordinary things and finding joy as we do them have been what I go back to whenever the outside world feels heavy. It’s important to focus on our daily lives and the things we can control. Like the values in our homes and the beauty we bring to our everyday experience.

Homemaking might not seem like important work but consider that every child was born and brought into a home, and that experience shaped who they were or are going to be in the world. I don’t know what could be more significant than this.

Home is important, and how we choose to live within our homes matters to us just the same. We need a haven, a place to feel good and be able to retreat to. Why not bake some fresh bread and surrender to the quiet of the day?

fresh baked bread on a countertop

Old Fashioned Things

During the summer, I try to come out early to hang dry the laundry as summers here get quite hot. I smile to think of the images of me my daughter has to take with her. Hanging our laundry, cooking, or being out in my garden. These are some of the same memories I have of both of my grandmothers. Women whom I quite admire at this stage in my life. Maybe they had it right; focusing on daily things like their homes and hobbies was real happiness and served to keep them sane.

The garden has finally begun producing and with any luck, it will continue to do so. The more time I spend here, the more calm I feel in my day-to-day life. There is a magical quality about these ordinary elements that were once only thought of as practical necessities.

a peaceful garden bed and bird house

Summer dinners are usually less fussy around here, but today, I opted to make these comforting Quick Meatballs in Tomato Sauce. I wanted something to pair with the bread I baked earlier, and these were perfect. After slicing up a fresh cantaloupe and sautéing some of the zucchini plucked from the garden, dinner was ready to be enjoyed.

homemaking by setting a dinner table with food

Thank you for joining me today, I hope you have enjoyed coming along for a day of peaceful homemaking inspiration.

For homemaking inspiration be sure to visit the homemaking tab, there, you will find tips, inspiration, and items that celebrate the home. Also, be sure to visit our YouTube Channel.

Homemaking 101 Back to Basics Workbook Ebook!

Dive into the basics of homemaking with a simple-to-understand pillar system featuring over 20 pages of personal touches, advice, tips, and printable worksheets to help you become the homemaker you dream of being.

homemaking washing dishes

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  1. As I have said in other comments, your blog is an absolute delight! You are like a cool glass of water on a hot summer day! I love my visits here. And, interesting, you said, “even if you don’t have children, home matters to us too.” I have said something similar, as I am now an empty nester, and when my kids first left home, people used to ask me if I was going to get a job now. My response, “Home matters, even when the kids are gone!”

    1. Hello Patti! Your comment is just the best! Thank you for such enthusiasm and for being in this space. It means the world to me. Home is for us too, isn’t it? I have often thought this while raising my daughter, that the whole environment does well for me too And while initially it was centered around her, I have realized I am better for it and so I know it will be important even when she’s grown.

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