The Importance of Self Care for the Homemaker
Discussing the importance of self care for the homemaker along with some tips, ideas and personal discoveries that I hope inspire you.
It finally clicked, I needed it too. It was ok to take the time I needed for myself. Suddenly, I was looking at my days in a whole new light that never occurred to me before now. In a quick sudden browse of the internet we were off on a short trip not far from our house. A sweet little air bnb hidden away in a nearby town. What it was for I wasn’t exactly sure.
Life is pretty peaceful these days. So what was it that I was seeking? As our car hugged the turns up the windy mountain roads, something in me felt a little strange. Maybe it was a change of scenery or the desire to feel pampered that I was after. I am not sure which. Perhaps both. As I turned to my daughter in the passenger seat, I could sense her excitement and for this I felt justified in spending the money. If nothing else, we would have a new memory to look back on.
But as the hours went by in what I figured would be a girls retreat turned into a complete reset for the days ahead. I decided we would take it easy and not be off exploring every corner of the town. It would instead be a time of reflection, a time to enjoy one another’s company and to indulge in an upscale meal or two out.
Waking up and sliding open the heavy French doors to the morning air, I couldn’t help but take advantage of the yoga mats I had seen tucked away in the closet. As we did our morning yoga in the crisp air to the sound of surrounding birds, I felt a sense of calm come over me. I had done yoga many times before, but practicing it outdoors in the filtered sunlight felt special.
My self-care routine at home was much different.
If and when I did yoga, it was at the end of the day. Done for the sake of needing to move my body beyond the daily walks. Each movement done in the glow of a lamp, and the sound of a tv or a podcast going. My mind mostly on the clock and not the peaceful space that a practice like yoga can and does create.
The thing with daily living is that it is easy to overlook our own needs. We think of only a gym when it comes to physical health. Many of us don’t get enough sleep and if you were to ask any primary caregiver about their self care routine, you would likely find that many of us simply don’t have one. In reality self care does not have to cost money, or require memberships to spas or gyms.
It isn’t about luxurious surroundings rather it is about our mental health and in many aspects our emotional health as well. These are both important dynamics of overall health in general. Needed so that we may continue to be the type of homemaker, stay at home mom, or the sort of lady altogether that we wish to be.
I will say it here if you need to be told this, self care is not selfish. It is a necessary part of a fulfilling life. After practicing self care and making it a priority in my own, I can boldly confirm that it will immediately improve your quality of life. I realize that most of us have a full day ahead staring back at us each morning. Some of us are going through tough times and even more are on tight budgets to where there simply is not a lot of money to spare.
But our personal well-being is not hinged on long periods of time given for breaks and we certainly don’t have to spend a dime to treat ourselves well. In this article I want to share some self-care practices that you can adopt at anytime and most won’t cost you a thing. I also want to touch on some reasons possibly keeping you from making self care an important thing in your life, as I too have let it fall to the wayside at different times in my own.
Come Along For Our Girls Retreat
Finding The Time
Sometimes even doing small things for ourselves can be hard to keep up with as a busy homemaker so we tend to forget about them and focus our attention on the needs of our home. When we do things in our daily routines they become a priority and an important part, however small, of our day. Naturally one of the best ways to do self-care activities is to make them apart of your day-to-day life. That way you are not having to find extra time, and it becomes like second nature to you to do them.
So write them on your to-do list as part of your day or schedule them in somehow so they are not left off until you find a free moment.
Some little things for self care can involve sitting for a few minutes to enjoy a quiet moment, making yourself a cup of afternoon tea just before dinner or having a daily skin care routine that makes you feel good. Focusing on the skincare for a moment, you don’t need to buy expensive designer-quality skincare either. Let me share with you my skincare routine where I use every day items to pamper myself at home. I must say, these leave my skin feeling silky, and fresh. Proving that regardless of your personal finances, skincare is a great way to care for ourselves and is accessible to everyone.
Become Guilt-Free
On our little girls trip, I noticed my thoughts. I was suddenly freed from the guilt of being at home. What I mean is, the guilt one feels when resting when we could be doing something productive. I have this at home often. Can you relate? I have struggled with this from time to time throughout my adult life and especially as a mother. I am the sort who writes a morning to-do list and likes to check boxes off throughout the day. So that by the end, I have a completed list that makes me feel accomplished for my day. The thing is, this is not all we are living for. To produce and nothing else.
Somehow in our busy, productivity culture, we have been sold a lie. Maybe its especially so for stay at home moms or full time homemakers, who have been told their role is second to a w-2 holding position. So there is an extra sense of guilt added in there that we need to be especially productive to prove our worthiness. I say”we” as I have been a stay at home for half of my daughters life and even though I currently write this as part of my “job”. I have been in those lonely shoes, and I know first hand that guilt runs deep. If you are a mother or a homemaker, even if you work an outside job, there is a good chance you too understand this guilt.
I am here to remind you that a w-2 does not determine your value. That guilt is nothing more than a mental constraint we put on ourselves that only serves to hold us back. When we realize that rest, time for ourselves and personal care is not a matter of luxury but a way of life necessary to be sustained. Then we can push aside this guilt and no longer subscribe to regularly pouring from an empty cup.
Self-Care Tips
It is true that self care as a homemaker can be tricky. But I have found that personally I have spent too much time doing things like scrolling social media for example. If I can give you any form of self-care advice, let this be the one you hear. Social media is a time suck. That button on your home screen is far too tempting to continue pressing all day and I would go as far as to say that it is an addiction. If it’s not considered one, I would say it is as close to being one as it gets. As far as therapeutic interventions go, delete the square off your screen or take a social media break altogether.
Simply deleting the app has made a world of difference in the time available to me. And by only deleting the app on my home screen, I can still go onto the app if I ever want to.
Incorporating self care might seem a little strange at first, especially if you are starting from scratch here. But with regular practice these moments will become ones you look forward too and feel refreshed by. Below I have written out some free and low cost self care ideas to help get you started.
Free Self Care Ideas
- Check out good books to read from the library
- Do an at home beauty night weekly
- Practice yoga and or meditation
- Drink lots of water and eat nutritious meals
- Make to time to chat with friends
- Go for a walk or do an exercise video on YouTube
- Set a spot at the table even when eating alone
- Take the time to get ready each day
- Practice being in the present moment
- Listen to an inspiring podcast
Low Cost Self Care Ideas
- Buy yourself a bundle of flowers to enjoy at the grocery store
- Get a candle to light for bath time or shower time
- Purchase a summer dress or pretty loungewear set so you look put together but are comfortable
- Give yourself a pedicure or manicure
- Take up a new hobby or enroll in a course that allows you to learn something new
- Grab a coffee with a friend
- Plant something
- Take a yoga class
- Check out thrift stores or yard sales to browse for fun either solo or with a friend
- Go for a drive alone
Final Thoughts
A happy home is one where all the family members are cared for. I hope by now you realize this includes you and I both. In the coming days ahead, let’s take some time to treat ourselves well. To find moments in our day for doing nothing at all or something we love or makes us feel good. Whatever that might look like for you, it is my hope that you do it without the slightest bit of guilt. Because at the end of any of our days, we need proper care as well.
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