5 Easy Flowers To Grow For a Cut Flower Garden
5 Easy Flowers to Grow for a cut flower garden that takes minimal effort and grows in abundance.
When I first started a garden, I was barely able to keep a house plant alive let alone think of growing masses of flowers to cut and bring inside the house. What a dream that had once been. As with anything you want to do, when starting there is always a bit of a learning curve.
After many attempts at growing flowers and watching them die a slow death, I began to see a few that stuck around. These few are ones that I continue to grow and they continue to blossom every time I plant them. They are what I want to share with you today as I find them the easiest to grow and the most prolific. Remember at the end of each season, save the seeds! In this way, you not only save money but you will be saving reliable seeds from your current garden.
Be sure to check out the post How to Save Seeds to learn how I save and store them.
Cut Flower Garden
Having a cut flower garden is one of the greatest joys of the summer and springtime to enjoy. There is an absolute pleasure in grabbing a basket, and some shears and heading outside to cut flowers for bouquets.
Coming back inside to snip the ends and put together beautifully homegrown flowers is a weekly treat I have grown so fond of. It makes the summer heat just a tad more bearable. Giving us something beautiful to look forward to not only in our homes but walking outside each day. These 5 easy-cut flowers do the trick nicely.
You know these have to be on any flower gardener’s list for easy-to-grow beautiful cut flowers. These are an absolute must. Zinnias grow quickly and continue to bloom after cutting and their seeds are super easy to save once the flower bud is dried. They come in a multitude of colors so you can have only Zinnias if you chose to and have a variety of beautiful blooms to fill your vases all summer long. They are exceptional cut flowers that deserve to be number one on the list.
Sunflowers are one of the most beautiful flowers for vase cutting and grow with very little effort. There are several varieties to choose from and the colors range from deep burgundy to a bright classic yellow. Their large seeds sprout quickly and their seeds are easy to collect at the end of the summer.
These might surprise you to see on the list. If you are a complete beginner then possibly not. However, if you have any experience you might be surprised I would mention these as they are known for being edible and having herbal uses. But they made great cut flowers too.
These are number two on this list because of the ease they take in growing them. They will grow anywhere and once established you can count on them year after year. They tend to spread and for me, that’s exactly the kind of flowers I love. Low maintenance, self-seeding so I don’t have to continue buying them and they transplant well.
So if you find you have too many the following year, simply pluck them out and transplant them to another part of your garden. They come in a decent amount of colors, mostly in the yellow and orange family. But their green foliage and happy blooms are a welcome presence.
Each year I plant new bulbs in various parts of my garden during the fall. You can come along with me for some garden inspiration as I do just that in this video. I have two bulbs I simply must tell you about as they always make my list when it comes to bulbs selection.
They are beautiful in a vase and a garden. Simple to plant and are the very first of the bunch to cut during the early spring months. Here are two of my favorite bulbs and why they make the list of the 5 easy to grow flowers for a cut flower garden.
Join Me in The Garden for Bulb Planting
Another happy choice is these yellow balls of sunshine. Their foliage is also lovely and their blooms are incredibly beautiful. They come in a few varieties but I am a Dutch Master Daffodil girl all the way. Their big blooms and all yellow brightness sing spring to me. I look forward to them each year. Daffodils are perennials which means they do come back year after year once planted.
I tend to grab a bag of bulbs at the garden center to plant extra at the end of the fall. They are so easy to grow they will amaze you. in the fall, you simply dig a hole larger enough to cover the bulbs by a couple of e inches, giving them a good watering. Then wait. By springtime, you will see their beautiful green tops peeking out, and within weeks that bloom will burst open ready to cut. It’s that easy.
You may wonder why these would be on the list. Surely Tulips are a special type of flower to grow. They are sought after by many and their blooms are striking shapes not to be mistaken. But I learned they are just as easy to grow as a Daffodil. They too are a bulb so they should be planted similarly to the Daffodils. They come in multiple colors and make excellent cut flowers. Like the other flowers mentioned, they too have beautiful green foliage.
Cosmos make number 5 of the 5 easy flowers to grow for a cut garden list. Though they are certainly not lacking anything to not have been mentioned sooner. They make the list for their ease of growing, variety of colors, and easy seed saving. These too will self-seed if you let them and when you allow the flower to dry, collecting their seeds is a breeze.
They look beautiful in a cut flower garden and make great additions to a bouquet. Coming in a wide variety of colors to choose from. Cosmos create a whimsical touch to the garden and like the others on the list, their greenery makes a show before their blooms do. Making them a fabulous, easy-to-grow addition to your cut flower garden.
I hope you have enjoyed today’s list of 5 easy flowers to grow for a cut flower garden. Don’t forget at the end of the season to come back and learn How to Save Seeds for next year. To continue your cut flower garden year after year.
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