Sunday Dinner Prep | Meal Inspiration
Sunday dinner prep with us for a bit of meal inspiration.
As we pass the time in this house I often think of ways or things that I could add or bring in to benefit our lives here. The value and beauty of everyday living are in the small things we attempt each day. I realize my heart is all over this house. Put into the vases of flowers, the sprays of lavender on the linens, and even the dreaded scrubbed floors on Fridays. All the things that are done to create a home.
Sunday Dinner
I am finding there is something still relevant about the time spent preparing a meal, and in this case, more so for a Sunday dinner. The various words of “Sunday dinner” seem a bit nostalgic these days. The old ways of Sunday dinners with friends or family gathered around a table were much more than a mere act of eating together. It was a dedication of time set aside with intention. Giving worthiness to a day of rest.
I recognize the importance of this intention. What more precious thing can we give to another than our time? That little while to sit together in conversation, breaking bread and allowing a brief moment to be spent away from our screens.
Creating the opportunity to turn down the noise in this loud world if even just for a day. We often begin the preparation after church and even if it is just the two of us, it is a special time. The Sunday dinner is one to keep for sure.
On The Menu
For this particular Sunday meal, we are baking this delicious Rustic Carrot Cake and a simple Italian Tray Bake for the main course.
So come along with us as we prep our Sunday dinner.
I hope taking a peak into our Sunday meal prep inspires you in your kitchen and your home.
Happy Sunday!
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